Your Official Invitation to apply...
Ready to tip your business over into rapid growth in both profit and lifestyle? 
Join Virtual Diamond Doers Today and Access the mastermind support of my entire team... from anywhere in the world!
Hey Lovely, 
Do you want to access the highest-level mentoring program I have ever offered... from anywhere in the world?

The kind of mentoring that only the top 1% of my community have experienced... 

Coaching that has me working directly with you in your business?

If so, then make sure you read all the way through this letter now. 

Because I'm about to reveal how YOU can take your business to the next level with me and my team's help... 

By becoming a "Virtual Diamond Doer" today. 

Before I continue, let me share a few stories of Doers like you who have had world-shaking results inside the Diamond Doers Mastermind: 
"I'm ready to go and launch my next ad tomorrow!"
Because I've now got that clarity I really came looking for, and I've had all my specific questions answered... 

I am ready to go and launch my next ad tomorrow and get up and running! I'm like, "Let's get going! Let's test this thing...." 

I'm leaving ready to do that. 
"It's just a relief to finally find someone..."
"One of the things I have not found in [other] mentors and  group masterminds was this level of access... 

If you can have that level of access to people who have already gone ahead of you, and made all the mistakes they don't want you to make...

It is just a relief to finally find someone who gives you that level of access. 
"I moved everything out that wasn't going to help me achieve my goal...
And we laid down a 12 month plan...

It delivers the value that I bring, being in my Genius Zone. I would not have thought it could be this simple and easy... And that I could do it. 
Pretty incredible, right? 

Oh, and just a reminder that these results have all happened within the first 3-months as a Diamond Doer. 

Read that last sentence again... 


If 3 months of accountability, support, and dedicated mentoring took them here... can you imagine where they'll be in another 9 months time? 
Here's Why This Mentorship Program Made Such A Sizeable Difference for these women
After working with thousands of female coaches and consultants... And of course, being one myself...

I know that so many women are feeling stuck at their own tipping point :-( 

What I mean is, they're earning a decent income, and making a decent impact... 

But they're not 100% satisfied because they know deep down they should be earning so much more, and impacting so many more people. 

What frustrates them most is that – they know they're close... 

They know they're on the edge of success, balancing on their tipping point... 

They've got a funnel setup... They've got a program people want... They're running ads... 

But things are not "clicking", and so they're stuck on the side of "average", unsure how to tip over. 
these diamond doers had access to a secret advantage most women don't...
You see, the best way to get past your own tipping point, is to lean on someone else. 

It's to have your own high-level mentors to guide you... Someone who's been there before...

THAT'S the shortest, easiest path to success.

And it's exactly why my Diamond Doers have gotten the kind of results in 3-months that would have taken years if they'd been left on their own. 

If you too feel like you're destined for success... but you're stuck at your own tipping point as you're reading this... 

Then let me introduce you to the program that might just tip you over the edge as well:
The Virtual Diamond Doers Mastermind...
Designed for a hand-selected bunch of high-achieving female entrepreneurs to scale their coaching, consulting or professional services businesses to $3,000 days in the first 3-months with our experts in your corner.

All from the comfort of your own home   ;-) (Or, from anywhere in the world, as you enjoy that freedom-filled lifestyle)

First things first... This is not an "in/out" program – This is a serious program where my entire team and I partner with you for the long-haul...

Meaning, it's 12 months long.

And secondly... This is an extremely hands-on program. 

Your collaboration with me and my team will be effectively 24/7...

Speaking of, let's take a look at just some of the support you'll be getting as a Virtual Diamond Doer...
1. 12 Month Sales and Marketing Growth Strategy
My mentors and I were talking and we’ve decided to offer you a step-by-step personalised plan that sets you up for success by getting your marketing and conversion strategies set up right from the beginning and for the next 12 months.

This is where you give us a complete rundown of your entire business via a simple online form.

You tell us things like…
  • Your #1 monthly revenue goal…
  • Details about your ideal client…
  • ​How you currently attract them…
  • What is and isn’t working with your marketing strategies…
  • ​What you need help with the most – and then…
  • ​You even give us the links to all your marketing funnels and pages.
From there our marketing and sales experts will carefully examine every step...

And co-create a personalised plan to achieve $3,000 days in the first 3-months. 
2. Quarterly Doers Den Sessions
Your 12 Month Sales and Marketing Growth Strategy isn’t set in stone… as you grow inside the program and experience shifts and breakthroughs, it should have the flexibility to adapt and change with you. 

If your direction changes during your 12 months inside Virtual Diamond Doers…

You can opt-in to our quarterly Doers Den sessions. These are personalised review calls with you to check-in on the progress of your 12 month plan. We want to make sure that you have all the support you need to update your 12 month plan if you need to, to stay on-track and grow your business.

Think of it like extra support in your back pocket for if and when you need more confidence to move forward.

Your growth strategy means you can focus on implementing your plan each day and hitting your targets.
3. 4-Week Masterclass Series
This is where you receive step-by-step, tested and proven strategies to learn the foundation knowledge (the building blocks) of growing a 7-figure business

They’re not available anywhere else… They can’t be purchased outside of this program… 

They’ve been custom-created exclusively for Virtual Diamond Doers...

These masterclasses don’t expire, so you can refer back to them any time you want to recap and move forward once the replays are up. 
4. Daily Coaching Calls
You’ll have VIP unrestricted access to my experts, just like I did, every single day. 

We'll be hosting an exclusive daily themed coaching call where we tackle a topic to lift the lid off your success. You will find enormous value in this alone.

You will have our team of experts at your fingertips everyday. You can ask your burning questions and get rapid responses on topics related to mindset, traffic strategies, offer strategies, sales strategies and how to scale your team.

We’ll coach you in the latest strategies in each of these topics on top of the foundation you will have learned inside the Virtual Diamond Doers Masterclasses. 

Then in the Q+A component of these daily coaching calls, we’ll look at removing your roadblocks related to each topic – FAST!

This is an opportunity to virtually connect with my mentors helping you tackle your roadblocks and create momentum for your business. 

So as a Diamond Doer, you can hop on a coaching call daily and if you miss one… no big deal. Just jump on the next. 
5. Monthly Workshops
On top of the foundational Masterclasses and daily themed coaching calls inside Virtual Diamond Doers…  

We’re also dropping a bonus Workshop each month

These workshops will train you on the latest trending marketing and growth topics to help grow your business.

Think of it like a layer of extra knowledge on top of the 4-week Masterclass foundational training.
6. Your Private Facebook Mastermind Group
Now, as a Diamond Doer, you're going to have this new found energy, right? 

It's dedication to your business, thanks to the clarity and confidence of knowing what exact steps to take to get to $3,000 days in the first 3-months. 

You’ll want to make friends, build connections and draw ideas and inspiration from other fast-paced entrepreneurs who are hungry for success.
As you're busy growing and creating, there are going to be times when you’ll want to have one of our experts run their eyes over something that you're creating. 

So inside this private Facebook group you’ll be able to upload your landing page or your email copy or your video or whatever it is that you're creating, tag any of our coaches, and they’ll get you out of your sticking point FAST and back to moving forward!

Often they’ll film a personal video just for you to share their thoughts. That way, you know that when you hit a roadblock, you can make a quick Facebook post and then get back to working on your business knowing an expert is reviewing it. 

Of course, this is the best way to stay connected with your new besties and the other Diamond Doors too. So you truly will be doing business and life together over the next 12 months and become each other's cheerleaders and supporters rising each other up to success.
this is not your typical "mastermind" program...
Where you invest a whole ton of money, only to be thrown into a glorified coaching program where you get no real support. 

I've seen those before... 

Actually, I've been in one in the US before, and it was a drag. 

Despite this Mastermind being Virtual (allowing you to access it from anywhere in the world)... 

This is still an exclusive... Limited...Intimate... 

And high-contact Mastermind. 

And most of all...
me and my team of experts Will Be in your corner for the next 12 months...
So you can get over that tipping point and start bringing in huge monthly revenues FAST. 

The same team of experts I personally rely on every day to grow my 8-figure business.

And that’s what I want you to remember…

No one – and I mean no one – gets to success in this game going it alone.

It just doesn’t happen…

That’s why I’m taking this incredible crew of mentors and experts…

Who helped raise me up from small-town country girl to where I am today running an 8-figure empire…

And I’m putting these mentors around YOU, so that they can support and sustain you in the same way they did me…

So if you’re looking for success, the question you have to ask yourself, is…

Do you want help now – or do you want it later?

If you want in now…
Here's How To Tell If You're A Good Fit For Virtual Diamond Doers
This program is NOT for everyone. 

It's for a very specific kind of female Coach or Consultant... 

Someone right on the tipping point of success. 

So here are the qualifying criteria I’ve identified as someone who’s right on that tipping point after working with tens of thousands of women…
  • You have a proven product or program... If you're confident your coaching will get the right results for the right person, you're a good fit. If you have no results or case studies, then this program is not for you. 
  • ​You have some type of funnel... It doesn't have to be super successful or elaborate, but you need some kind of client-attraction-system you're trying to make work. 
  • You have a desire to use paid advertising... The goal of this program is to hit $100k a month, which is only possible with paid ads. You don't need a huge budget, or any kind of copywriting or ad-building skills (that's what we're there for!), but a desire is all I ask :-) 
  • ​You are OK with contributing to others... If you're not okay with contributing to others, then this program isn't for you. It's highly collaborative. 
  • ​You are willing to invest in your success... Obviously, this program comes with an investment and for the right coach or consultant, that investment will be the best one they make in their business. One that could return 10k, 20k, or even 30k what they put in over the next 12 months. You need to be willing to invest from Day One. 
If you feel like you fit the above criteria, then I'm guessing you have one big question left to ask me:
What's the investment to become a virtual diamond doer?
If you have read to this point, chances are you know that this is what you've been waiting for... 

And what your business needs right now. 

You will be able to discuss the investment options on your application call... but I will say that the price will be under $10k USD. 

So if you feel like this is what you've been looking for to support you in your business growth, and you want in, we only have a super limited number of spots available due to how intimate this Virtual Diamond Doers mastermind is. 

Unfortunately we can’t be flexible with this, so once spots are filled, I can’t promise when they will be open again.
    here's What to do next...
    The process is simple...

    Simply click the link below to fill out an application and book a call with one of my Business Strategists.
    when you show up for your appointment...
    If you both find that you are the right fit, we'll go through all the ins and outs of the program, including your investment options. 

    At that point you can decide to jump in or leave without investing.

    It’s your choice.
    Now is the time to click that button below, and apply to become a virtual diamond doer
    Not sure if you're the right fit? 

    Go ahead and fill out the application anyway, and my Strategist will help determine that for you. 

    I look forward to seeing your application come through... 

    And to spending a totally transformational year with you...

    Together, we'll tip your business over into rapid growth in both your profit and lifestyle. 

    Talk soon, 


    Grace Lever
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q: What is the investment to become a Diamond Doer? 
    A: You will be able to discuss investment options with a Business Strategist on your application call, but the price will be just below $10K USD. 

    Q: Is there a payment plan option? 
    A: Yes, there is a payment plan option. You can discuss this on your application call. 

    Q: When does my 12-months access start? 
    A: You can begin your access from July 2021. If you need to delay your start date, just let us know on your call. 

    Q: How long are applications open?
    A: My strategist's calendar is limited. If you cannot find a time, email and we can help you out.

    Q: Are there any live events or travel requirements in this version of Diamond Doers?
    A: No, this mastermind is based entirely online. 

    Q: Is my membership to the Doers Inner Circle included as a Diamond Doer?
    A: No, these are two separate programs, but we do include everything you need to create a scalable, 7-figure business inside Virtual Diamond Doers. This is the fastest way to scale to $3,000 days with my experts in your corner. 
    Don't just take my word for it... check out these wins from fellow diamond doers
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